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Caring for each student’s learning is our No. 1 priority!

Terms and Conditions of service

Skills Tuition Centre is delighted to provide educational support to you or your child subject to you assenting to the following terms and conditions: 

Health and Safety

  • An enrolment form needs to be completed and submitted prior to the commencement of the first session.
  • In the event of an emergency, medical services will be contacted. Next of kin will be notified. Students with medical needs are required to bring requisite emergency medical equipment to class, for example, an inhaler, EpiPen, etc.
  • Students are required to bring in any aids that they utilise for educational purposes, for example, glasses. Such aids will need to be declared on the enrolment form. 
  •  Fire safety rules, and health and safety rules all apply. 
  • If the centre temporarily closes due to government guidelines, substitute lessons will be arranged upon reopening or, where possible, lessons will be carried out using online technologies.  
  • For cases of extreme weather (severe snow/earthquake/storms/floods/etc.), lessons may be cancelled without replacement lessons. However, where possible, lessons will be carried out using online technologies.


  • No disrespect is allowed towards any Skills Tuition Centre staff or fellow students. 
  • General classroom rules apply, for example, raising one’s hand to speak and paying courtesy to others.
  • Hoodies over the head and chewing gum is not allowed in class.

Payments and cancellations

  • A one-off non-refundable registration fee per student applies to secure your own and/or your child’s position. 
  • Students with special educational needs (SEN) are required to declare their specific needs during enrolment so that we can arrange the required support. 
  • Lessons must be paid at least a month in advance at the start of the relevant study month. Monthly fees are collected automatically by our software system. Students cannot attend lessons not paid for prior. Fees not paid on time will result in student removal with a chargeable exit fee- the full amount due that month. Short courses may be required to be paid in full prior to the start of the course- see general rules below for further details.
  • The start and finish times of the sessions will be made clear and are to be adhered to. Please note, that parents/carers who are over five minutes late collecting their child after class time finishes will be charged a supervision fee of £5 per child for the first 15 minutes, then £1 per minute thereafter.
  • If a continuous absence occurs, tuition costs will be authorised as expected; only the Thirty Days’ Notice  (explained in general rules) will terminate tuition and subsequent charges.
  • An admin charge may be applied each week to an account that is in arrears. 
  • Closing balances must be paid in full, following the notice to withdraw a child from the centre or terminate the tuition program.
  • We reserve the right to charge the relevant full month exit fee if a student is removed by us due to their poor attendance, disruptiveness, behaviour, and conduct. 
  • One lesson cancellation is non-chargeable per academic year, per student, provided the required 48 hours’ notice is given (unless emergency circumstances). Any subsequent lesson cancellations will be charged at the full lesson cost regardless of the length of notice provided. Refunds will not be issued for lessons missed. If proof of an emergency is provided, we may coordinate a substitute class. This decision is in the absolute discretion of the admin and the teacher. Group sessions are not included in this arrangement, nor are they substituted.
  • Should the company need to cancel a lesson, the client will not incur any charges and any account balance will be carried forward to the next subsequent month. The company will attempt to arrange a substitute lesson prior to any cancellations.


  • Students/parents will be engaged and eager about learning and development. Students/parents will acknowledge the significance of regular class attendance to improve. This means the family will guarantee their child’s attendance is routine and on time. Adult students are also required to attend on time and in routine. 
  • Students/parents and educators will work jointly to expand the student’s education regarding homework, timeliness, conduct, and the like. Students/parents will be accountable for guaranteeing their own and/or their child’s homework is completed prior to the advent of the following lesson. 
  • Students will be required to bring a class bag/folder to carry books, stationary (pens and pencils, etc.), and a water bottle with enough water for the session. Writing books will be provided.
  • Each lesson is an hour long unless stated otherwise.
  • Teachers will wait for a maximum of 15 minutes for the student’s arrival. If the student has not joined an online session or attended their face-to-face lesson within 15 minutes, the Tutor will log off/ leave and the lesson will be charged in full.
  • Sessions are term-time unless otherwise stated. Urdu Group sessions will not take place during the Eid holidays. Regular courses will not take place over half-term/end of term. Sessions will not take place on bank holidays falling in term-time. Additional tuition programmes will be available during holiday periods.
  • Some courses may have additional costs for books and exams such as language and 11+ courses. These costs must be payable to complete the course.
  • A temporary class merge may occur during staff illness/holiday. 
  • End of lesson reports will be available on the system within 48 hours of the lesson.
  • Upon course completion, students will be automatically advanced to the following year unless the centre receives notice from the family that they wish tuition be terminated. Therefore, families must understand and agree to be charged the applicable cost of the latest or consecutive course/sessions relevant to the subject.
  • Students/Families must offer a thirty-day written notice if they wish to withdraw their child/themselves from the centre to terminate the 1:1 tuition programme. Moreover, each 1:1 subject requires a thirty-day cancellation notice. One notice can include all the subjects. This notice must be provided by emailing info@skillstuitioncentre.co.uk or sending the centre a message on 07735176000. For group tuition courses, the following applies a) continuous courses i.e. Year 2 English & Maths- the same rules apply as 1:1 tuition. b) for all other courses which are short or either 1, 2 or 3 terms long only- remaining course fees will be charged if a student chooses to withdraw part way through. For example, the driving theory group test preparation course may be one term long, should a student wish to withdraw on week 8 for instance, they will be charged for the remaining sessions until the course ends, so for the remaining 4 weeks. Short courses may be required to be paid in full prior to the start of the course.
  • Mobile phones must always be set to silent/vibration. 
  • Individual course terms and conditions may also be applicable.
  • These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.